About Côte d'Ivoire

Presentation of Côte d'ivoire

The territory of Côte d'Ivoire has the appearance of a quadrilateral, the south of which offers a facade of 520 km on the Atlantic Ocean, in the western part of the Gulf of Guinea. The country is characterized by a low relief. The land is mainly made up of plateaus and plains.  The territory has more than sixty ethnic groups, we can for example cite the Baoulé, B&été;té, Gouro, Dioula, etc. As you will have understood, the Ivorian culture is rich and varied! The western region of Côte d'Ivoire is culturally very rich with its traditional dances and masks. If the Ivorian economy is based on main title on the agricultural sector favored by a hot and humid climate, the contribution of industry to the GDP is evaluated; to 20% and that of the tertiary sector at agrave; 50%. The Ivory Coast also has some significant oil reserves for its economy.


Despite a still fragile political situation, at Côte d'Ivoire alone has an industrial fabric and transport infrastructure unrivaled in the region.

- A port system (Abidjan and San Pédro) dominated by by Abidjan, the leading transit and transhipment port in West and Central Africa;  

- A growing airport system;

- A dense and rapidly changing telecommunications network

- A very developed economic capital Abidjan, with little competition in the region: drinking water flows from taps, large avenues, several bridges

- One of the most competitive telecom sectors in Africa

  1. A major dynamic financial center in West Africa

Côte d'Ivoire offers a full range of banking and financial institutions in the private and public sectors, including some sub-regional financial institutions and local representations of international institutions : 

- development banks: the Council of Understanding, the African Development Bank (ADB), and the World Bank; 

- commercial banks; 

- insurance companies; 

- mutual funds and agricultural funds; 

- the Regional Stock Exchange (BRVM) and the Regional Council

Côte d'Ivoire has recorded dynamic, strong and stable economic growth since 2012 with a slowdown in 2020, due to to the consequences of the  COVID-19. The country remains despite everything, the main economic lung of French-speaking West Africa and exercises a real influence in the region.

Compared; to 2019, Côte d'Ivoire made a slight jump in the ranking of the World Bank's Human Capital Index (0.38) in 2020. there is a sharp decline, from 46.3% in 2015 to; 39.4% in 2020. This decline is limited to urban areas; the number of poor having increased; in rural areas over the same period (+2.4%). The country would gain from include its most vulnerable populations in its economic recovery strategy, further integrate women into the economy and develop its human capital to better meet market needs; work. The creation of modern products and services requires skills that are still lacking in the industry. local workforce.