Description of the O.E.C - CI:
30 years after the accession of Côte d'Ivoire to Independence in 1960, the organization of the accountancy profession in Côte d'Ivoire was only initiated at from 1990, by a college of national chartered accountants under the leadership of Mr. Francis DESCLERCS Certified Chartered Accountant, with the assistance of Professor Claude PEROCHON; to at the time, President of the accounting jury in France, member of the Conseil National de la Comptabilité French and Expert in Accounting Standardization.
At the national level, as soon as the statute of an association is adopted, the State of Côte d' through the Ministry of Economy and Finance has constituted a structuring lever of the accounting profession, by being attentive to; governance of the Order and to the adoption of an appropriate institutional, legislative and regulatory framework; to professional practice in Côte d'Ivoire.
The chartered accountant is a professional accessible to everyone. all…
In the execution of his missions, the interactions of the chartered accountant
are multiple and linked to the purposes of the stakeholders. Whether they are:
• commercial and agricultural entities of private
interest; or public
• from organisms to non-profit (associations-foundations-NGOs)
• institutions & Public authorities
individuals and liberal professionals
The quality certificate financial information, financial statements, capacity building, business plan development and financing structuring, legal, tax and social
assistance, advice on organization and restructuring of business, information systems, etc… strong added value of the chartered accountant at the service
of all economic actors.
The chartered accountant is an actor accessible to everyone. all public or private actors, who through their professionalism
and knowledge of the problems of the economic world bring assurance, serenity; and trust in business relationships.
As such, the chartered accountant i
s a lever for efficiency. for development and security business leaders.
Objectives of the O.E.C
Beyondà of its informational vocation, the stated objective is to make the OEC-CI site a productivity lever; of its members, with regard to their mobility, through secure access; online to available professional resources.
The functionalities of the site also induce more interactions of non-statutory members with the Council of the Order and the Executive Management by offering greater flexibility. and reactivity on the problems of the profession followed by the Commissions.
The O.E.C ensures compliance with accounting rules and much more, accompanies you, masters the constraints related to finances and provides the benefit of know-how in terms of management, assists you in preparing your tax declarations, assists agricultural businesses, assists schools in all of their procedures in complete confidentiality. In these diligences, the Order ensures compliance with the rules of ethics by its members, ensures the defense of the honor and independence of the profession, formulates and disseminates opinions on the understanding understanding of standards of professional practice the use of its members and partners.
Finally at; Through its website, the Order of Chartered Accountants of Côte d'Ivoire operates its presence on social networks by ensuring continuity. links with all partners.
Membership the O.E.C :
The procedures for registering and maintaining experts-accountants on the National Roll of the Order of Chartered Accountants
of Côte d'Ivoire are defined by the legal and regulatory provisions in force, in particular Articles 1 and following of
Ordinance n°2009-387 of December 1, 2009 on the creation and organization of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Decree No. 2012-868 of
September 6, 2012.
Substantially, the process initial registration requires administrative diligence from the applicant, natural or
legal person, as well as a Notification of Registration equivalent to a notice of compliance, at the result of the examination, by the Council
of the Order meeting in session, of the regularity, the completeness and compliance documents in the file.
Each registered member
of the Order, natural or legal person, is subject to continuous administrative monitoring.